Friday, September 5, 2008

Ignorance is bliss...

So I thought, untill now..

It's been long since I've written.. The reason being I was doing a lot of reading.. Everyone's blogs especially.. You've had a tiring day and just want to de-stress online, read quality stuff with meaning to it.. So you try and catch up on what people have to say.. But what do you get.. Hate blog posts.. It's a new trend I guess.. I'm really tempted to try it out..

I guess my silence in some situations is often taken to be my weakness.. I was brought up in a manner which taught me to be nice to people.. But some 'intellectuals' around me don't seem to function that way.. I think it's time they're told that two can play at the same game..

Isn' it surprising how people talk about others so carelessly and sometimes fail to realise that they themselves are like that.. Especially in Manipal.. I mean.. I know certain people who write about being relieved and happy that they do not have to live in a world of pretence friendship any more and then talk about how they have lost friends in 'social gatherings' as some term it on the other hand.. (And they call others fake!).. I really wonder how these people will ever maintain relationships with anyone at all in their entire lifetime.. Such people tend to garner so much hatred from those around them that they would probably keep swinging between people and relationships all their lives for namesake, and not truly belong to anyone.. Sad, really sad.

Some people talk about how others don't have an identity of their own and are recognised by people they are associated with.. It's kind of true you know.. I know of some people like that.. Some who are known just cause of their excessively workaholic boyfriends, but believe that they are probably God's gift to mankind themselves.. Who are capable of outrightly lying but making it sound so innocent (I'm really amazed at how information supposedly taken for a personal blog can turn up being a news story the next day! :P).. Oooooffff.. What to do? I just can't understand these breed of people.. And maybe at this point I should even stop trying..

Let the dogs, or rather the bitches go on barking, let them continue venting out their frustration through their immature rants (I thought that blogs could really be used for so many more productive things really.. Nevermind..)

P.S.: Thought I'd write a longer blog post as usual, but just realised mid-way that why am I stooping down to such a low level.. Let them blabber and blabber to their hearts' content.. Maybe when they stop and take notice that no one's really bothered about them(Work relationships are the only kind known to them after all), will they cease to over exercise that gab of theirs and stick to minding their own business.. ;)

Have a great day people!! Muah!!! :)


S Ramanathan said...

Hey, nice post. Lets look at some aspects.

Although u have been intelligent enough to name it "ignorance is bliss", u have been kind enough to post on ur blog after one month about it. you are not really ignoring it if u have blogged about it, hypocrite.

You are generally silent? Oops...wrong notions about urself. :)

Better be alone than be in fake friendships. I still have the chat in which u agreed to tat my beloved CR. :)

Ha, my blogged has thought a lot of things. Glad to know u too learnt a lot (thats how it got productive :)), i can see u are getting better at hurling insults at people without naming them, like me. join the bandwagon drama queen!!!! :)

Hmmm...u r not bothered, but u still squeez time out to give a reply by blogging. strange, how u prove me right by going against me. Thanks.

Dont stoop down to my levels, u just proved me right. Lol.


Karishma Desai said...

I mentioned why I'm writing this post in the first few lines itself..I know..It's just a reminder ram.. I'm not as obssessed as you to go on and on about it.. I have better issues to deal with.. Otherwise my writing skills aren't that bad too you know.. As compared to you, I think anyone would call me silent.. No illusions sweetie.. And thanks for the warm welcome to the insulting club, I'm very sure I won't let you down on the hypocrisy front ram.. After all that's something I'm learning from you (the productive part of it i guess you were talking about)..
Next time, you can just come say it to me ok.. Don't torture your other poor readers..

Karishma Desai said...

Oh and ya.. It's nice to know you still have that chat saved.. :)What to do.. Sometimes it's necessary to go against yourself to be heard no.. Again something I learnt from you.. Shit man.. I really own you one! Thanks!

S Ramanathan said...

you owe me just than one. :)

my readers enjoy what chk my rankings after my posts...

c ya

Karishma Desai said...
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Karishma Desai said...

I think it's more of controversial curiosity than enjoyment.. but even if it is the latter.. good for you.. :)

S Ramanathan said...

exactly, the same principle on on which Indian media works. Kindle the curiosity. Feed their desire for narcissm. you get readers.

the power of a medium is in being used, not in readers agreeing or disagreeing to what the media propogates.

wow karu, we can churn out such high level media philosophies out of ur post meant to hit out on idiots. cool, the power of blogging, aint it? :)

Karishma Desai said...

:) absolutely..